Coming Soon to a Planet Near You

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ultimately, it comes down to this.

I was watching the debate last night when my wife said something that got me thinking. She said, "you know this stuff doesn't matter because none of these guys have a chance at beating Obama, espcially if he adds Clinton as his VP." Now I may agree or disagree which isn't really relevant but what she said really got me thinking about this, it is our views on certain fundamental things which guides our thoughts perspectives on everything. For example, you may believe that Mike Brown is the worst owner in professional sports and that everything he touches turns to poison. That line of thinking would preclude you from seeing how special this Bengals season was. Get my point?

Well, the same rationale is true especially when you think about where this country and world is heading. I've had to tell my parents more than once that the damage has been done. This country is so in debt that it doesn't matter who wins the next election. That person may be able to improve things short term but ultimately we've outspent ourselves to such a point that sometime real soon a major correction will have to be made, on a global scale.

I believe in the Word of God, literally. I believe it to be inspired and infallible (when taken in context). It's that fundamental view that totally shapes my views on all things political. You see, I've read the end of the Book without necessarily reading EVERYTHING in the middle (I'm working on it) so I've kinda cheated. I know that this world will not be some stable, happy, and loving place when Jesus Christ comes back for His church. Oh, if you don't think that'll happen then you really are lost. Anyway, the Bible says that the world will be anything but a happy garden. It will be a place of corruption where evil runs amuck (sp?) It will be a place where war can break out at any moment, where people will be focused on pursuing their own self interests, where natural love and affection becomes foreign. Basically, the Bible says that when traditional good becomes bad and bad becomes good then we know the end of near. Are we there yet?

If you believe that the right candidate can be elected and fix all this mess then you sorely mistaken. The place we find ourselves now didn't just happen over night. It's been an ongoing problem and sin has intricately woven itself into our society, our families, and now our churches. It has fundamentally changed our views and turned our sense of right and wrong on its head. Up is now down and down is now up. That's where we are, exactly as God said it would be. If He was right about that then are we really stupid enough to think that He won't come back, remove His church, and judge the lost? He said He would and He's been proven out to be right on everything He's ever said. He has a perfect record!

Don't be foolish and think that you can take the parts of the Bible that you're comfortable with and stop there. Read the whole Book. Know where we're heading, if the end is too harsh for ya then you probably need to get saved. Ask Jesus into your heart and your outlook gets a whole lot better.

I was talking to my buddy John yesterday. I bought him a great book for Christmas. The book's title is Heaven, it's by Randy Alcorn. I highly recommend it!!! Anyway, John and I were talking about this book when he brought up a great point. You see, Alcorn's main example in the book has to do with a woman who swam the English Channel. She started to get really really fatigued, she was surrounded by fog, she didn't think she could make it. Even though there were boats sailing alongside of her with her own mother giving her words of encouragement to keep going she just couldn't do it. Well, they pulled her out of the channel only to have her look up and through the fog she could see that she was approximately 3/4 of a mile from shore!!! She was so close. She went on to say, "that if only she could have seen the shore that she could have made it." That's the same way about Heaven. We don't know enough about it to get excited about it. It's like packing for a vacation that you don't know anything about. You don't know where you're going.

I think if more people knew about Heaven then they could get excited about it. They would be more receptive to the gospel. Sadly, I know that won't happen as I've read the end of the Book. Please take the chance you have right now to accept Christ and avoid judgment. Heaven is much better hell, don't EVER forget that!!!

God Bless You!

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