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Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Commitment

It's really hard to maintain the level of intensity for this subject that I feel is required to carry on a "ministry" like this. It's not that I love the subject matter less it's just that it's been difficult to process everything that's happening in the world and then try to share my thoughts and feelings about it. My fear is twofold, I don't want to sound like a broken record and I don't want to say something wrong Biblically speaking. I guess I always need to be clear about what is MY opinion and what God has to say on the topic.

It's kinda funny how a town in Arkansas has seen approximately 5000 black birds fall from the sky last night. Does this sound familiar? It should because I wrote on this very same phenomena last year when the same thing happened.

I can't explain why this has happened or how this fits into prophecy. What I can do though, is to comment on the symptom. That's basically all we do, right? We comment on the event and then examine it's relevance to the Word of God. This is simply another birth pang that Jesus spoke about in His sermon on the mount in Matthew 24. The Bible says that creation groans because of Adam's sin. Does this event fall under that category? Yes, of course it does. There are so many things happening in the world right now. They're happening with such frequency that it becomes extremely difficult to catalog and keep track. In a way it reminds me of golf. Huh? Well, my dad and I were just talking about it the other day. If you've ever played golf then you'll understand the analogy. In order to hit a golf ball perfectly you have to remember to do approximately 35 things at once. What we're seeing today is pretty similar. There are so many events happening (global economic issues, natural disasters, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, diseases, famines, etc).

Did you know that 2011 was one of the worst years on record with natural distasters? It's true. Well, you may be wandering what makes it so special if it's not the worst year ever on record? The answer is simple, what makes it worse is when you ALSO consider the other birth pangs (i.e. wars and rumors of wars, societal breakdowns, global economic crisis, Israel). So many people really don't understand how significant Israel really is to prophecy.

Do you know that until 1948 the Jewish people were dispersed around the world? AD 70 the Roman army sacked Jerusalem and removed the Jewish people their home. Until that time Israel had been the Jewish peoples' homeland for well over 1000 years. God had warned the Jews that if they turned away from Him (which of course they did) that He would judge them. God is ALWAYS true to His word. But, He also said that in the last days He would return them to their homeland which He did in 1948. From AD70 to 1948 the land of Israel was mostly under Turkish control. It was essentially a wasteland, a dump. That is, until, Muhammed started his religion and it spread across the Middle East. They claimed Jerusalem, built their mosque, and there you have it until 1948.

Following WWII the Jewish people crawled out of the concentration camps and work camps and decided to go home. Instictively, collectively, they started their way back to their home, Israel, from all parts of the earth. On May 14, 1948 the US officially recognized the Jewish State of Israel. This was the first time in almost 2000 years that the Jews had a land of their own. This started the end. Catch the significance? See how important it is? Well, our Lord had something very important to say about this. He said, that the generation which saw that happen will not all sleep before the end. What does that mean? Well, it means that the generation that saw the rebirth of Israel won't all die before the Lord comes back to set up His Kingdom. A person born on that day would be approaching their 65th birthday. Now, add a 7 year buffer to that (I'll explain in a later post) and really puts that person's real age at 72.

If you're reading this and you don't know Jesus as your Savior I pray that you'll seek Him out. I'm going to set a modest goal of one post per week on this blog. I must stay vigilant as time is truly running out. I know I must sound like the boy who cried wolf but you must listen. Prepare yourself. Study God's Word. Find a Bible believing, Bible preaching church. Do not be afraid or confused because God is not of those things.

Talk to ya next week (hopefully)


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