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Monday, September 6, 2010

A Double Standard that's too Offensive to Talk About

There are two articles on that talk about Muslim protests in Indonesia and Afghanistan. The protests are in response to a church in Florida who is planning on burning copies of the Koran on the 9th anniversary of 911. I do not condone the burning of any religious books, or any material for that matter, that any person holds dear. I wouldn't want anyone to do it to me so why would I want to do it to someone else? Remember, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

The article about the Indonesian protest talks about thousands of protesters and how America should not let this happen. The article about the Afghanistan protest talks about how the protesters were shouting things like, "death to America." Well, my first reaction to that is, why? Why should someone die because a book is tossed into a fire? If your religion isn't more than the paper it was written on then you don't have much of a religion.

These articles are prime examples of why so many don't believe that Islam is a religion of peace. Now you may say that those protesting in Indonesia didn't advocate a violent response to the book burning. But I say that the fact that there were THOUSANDS of protesters over this is alarming in itself. The hundreds protesting in Afghanistan are terrorists in the making. They are the ones who will kill innocent people because a book was burned. How ignorant! Sadly, with WMDs the size of a backpack it only takes one willing person to wreak havoc on hundreds of thousands or millions.

Here's why it's tough to reconcile. As an American we have freedom of expression and freedom of speech. As a Christian I know that my faith is greater than the burning of a Bible. My faith is in a living Jesus Christ. The Creator, the Alpha and Omega. To me, He's greater than anything that any person, group, or religion can do. He laughs from His throne. So my inclination is not to kill someone when they make fun of God, take His name in vain, or depict His only Son Jesus in all manner of foolish and humiliating ways. See, I know that everyone who has ever lived will bend their knee before my Savior. All the atheists, agnostics, Muslims, Budhists, Protestants, Hindus, ALL MANKIND will proclaim Jesus as King of Kings so I don't need to defend Him by attacking and killing those who will mock Him. He is big enough to handle them without me.

But Muslims don't feel that way. That's why Americans don't believe that Islam is a religion of peace. It boils down to this, they can't handle a little adversity. They can't handle Mohammed in a cartoon or a parody. They can't handle a burnt Koran. They're so offended that it's worth killing someone. I'm sure that this post is probably offensive enough to some Muslims to want to kill me. That's ok because I know that no matter what, they will bow down to my Savior one day. I am a King's kid. What do I have to fear, death? Sorry, I'm just passing through this world anyway. I have a bigger a brighter eternity ahead of me.

God Bless You!

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