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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tired of Being Targeted

Iraqi army soldiers stand near a massive crater outside the office of the Al-Arabiya television station in Baghdad after a suicide bomber driving a minibus struck. Iraqi authorities say al Qaeda is now planning suicide attacks in the West this Christmas season. (AP PHOTO)

I've really done my best to try and not let this kind of stuff get on my nerves but it's really taking a toll. We are 1 week away from Christmas, the Holiest Holiday in Christianity and al-Qaeda is planning more attacks. Whatever happened to Islam being a religion of "peace". I suppose it is a religion of peace if you're Muslim and happen to adhere completely to what the radicals believe. That doesn't sound like faith to me. That sounds like slavery.

There have been so many different things going on lately. The one thing that really comes to mind is the IMF report on the global currency, BANCOR. This was a report by the IMF that is calling for the world to adopt a global currency and it is named in honor of John Keynes. This is one of those, "are you serious", moments. It is so blatant and obvious and has so much prophetic meaning that volumes of things can be said about this. Truly it's as though someone opened up the Book of Daniel and said, "ahh, this is a great idea, let's do this." I still may post something on this but it's just one of those overwhelming topics that it would require a great deal of time and thought. Let's get back to the terrorism thing, ok?

The enemies of God are selecting the time of the celebration of Christ's birth as a time to go on the offensive. To target and kill innocent Christians as they celebrate their Savior is one of the most evil things you can imagine. These radical Muslims have become the fists of Satan. They are under his control and if given the opportunity will kill many innocent people without regard to their race or station in life. They will have no mercy as they slaughter the elderly and children. All this from a religion of peace!?!?

Another thing that is startling about this is how the media has always played this off as a radical and fundamentalist group within Islam that makes up only a small percentage of practicing Muslims. While I agree with the statement that it's a small percentage, 5-10% at most, the scary thing is the actual number that we're dealing with. By some estimation there are 1.2 to 1.6 billion people who are practicing Muslims. Do the math! That is 1/5 of mankind. Another way to look at it is that 5% of 1.2 billion is 60 million radical Muslims! Yes, 60 million. That is the population of California, Ohio, and Pennsylvania COMBINED. See what we're up against?

This has become something that is absolutely uncontrollable. The world is being taken hostage by a radical element within a religion that is growing and festering with each passing day. It won't be long until there is another terrorist attack against the US. It's not a matter of "if" but only a matter of "when." The goal is to create as much damage and death as possible.

When are people going to wake up to this undeniable fact? Are we just going to lay down like sheep before the slaughter? How are we going to respond to this growing threat? I know how I will answer that question. My answer is "..and for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." There is nothing left to be said. My wife, my children, and I will continue to worship our God and we will continue to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We know that He won the battle at Calvary and we're proud to be His followers, His children. The terrorists can have this world because the Bible says that I'm a stranger in a strange land. My home and my future is in Heaven. My destiny is to spend eternity with God the Father and His ONLY begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Their future is something totally different....


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